Bonus Episode: Hot Bussy Summer featuring Kyle Price & Ramad Carter

SURPRISE #BUSSYHIVE – Because we love y’all like we love fried chicken and good dick, Amber and I decided to bless y’all with a special Bonus Summer episode.

In celebration of us achieving over 150K streams/plays, we figured it’s only right we show our appreciation to the #BussyHive because none of this would be possible without your support!

Our guests this week are the stars of SLAY TV’s “Love @ First Night”, Kyle Price & Ramad Carter. Kyle Price is an actor, model, TV personality, and Brand Ambassador along with Ramad Carter, who is an actor, educator, and a proud Texan!

We discuss phenomenal sex because it is phenomenally (Maya Angelou voice), Merlin Santana’s dick (Rest In Peace), summer cookouts, pretty privilege in the black gay community and having cum licked off your face LOL!

Listen to this special bonus episode and don’t forget to follow/subscribe, rate and share EPT on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts & Google Play Music. And don’t forget to check out Ramad & Kyle on the Season 3 premiere of SLAY TV’s “Love @ First Night” on September 25th, 2019!

Instagram: @eatprayth0t (its a zero not an o)
Twitter: @EatPrayThot

Guest Socials:

Kyle Price
Instagram: @kpholla12
Twitter: @KPSWORLD

Ramad Carter
Instagram: @its_ramad
Twitter: @Its_Ramad

“Love @ First Night”
Instagram: @lafnwebseries
Twitter: @LAFNwebseries

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